京都光華女子大学 健康科学部 心理学科 ニュース マインドフルネスへの道(心理学科 谷本)



マインドフルネスへの道(心理学科 谷本)


2022年2月15日から同月25日までの期間、hotel kanra Kyoto(ホテルカンラ京都)にて、「客室を使用したヒーリング&メディテーションプログラム 『蘇/rium』(そりゅーむ)」の体験モニターが募集された。


場所は、京都駅中央改札から北へ徒歩10分ほど、壮麗にたたずむ東本願寺のすぐそばのhotel kanra kyoto。「京都で培われてきた伝統の「技術と技法」を用い、木・石・鉄・土・緑など自然の素材を取り入れ、わびさびを感じられるモダンな京マチヤスタイル」をコンセプトとしている(出典:hotel kanra kyoto公式ウェブサイト)。



『蘇/rium3』について、「ホテル客室を利用したヒーリング&メディテーションを体験できるプログラム。非接触型+和のヒーリングで五感を開くことをテーマにしております。コロナ禍におけるストレスや閉塞感を取り除き、自分で自分を整える時間をホテルと間で提供できれば。そんな想いで作られました。」(出典:HOTELKANRAKYOTO Instagram)と説明されている。



1 デジタルデトックス

2 アロマヒーリング

3 あずきヒーリング

4 サマタ瞑想

5 おりんミュージックヒーリング

6 マインドフルネス

7 出発前の一服


1 ヴィパッサナー瞑想

2 目覚めのヒーリング

3 歩行瞑想










メニュー1 デジタルデトックス




Earthing*1など、自然に触れてデジタルオフする効用が最近注目されている。ヨガやロハスといったウェルネス系の価値観の社会的浸透に伴い,デジタルデトックスは新奇のアクティビティのような魅力を放っている。ただし,S N Sでのつながりと情報収集が必須の現実生活では,デジタルデトックスの実践は相当難しく,体験したいのにできないという葛藤の反動形成で,一層魅力的に映りやすい印象がある。



メニュー2 アロマヒーリング




メニュー3 あずきヒーリング





メニュー4 サマタ瞑想*2


金色の箱に大きなロウソクが入っている。火器取扱リスクの関係で,L E Dキャンドルで,ロウソクの炎の揺らぎを見つめることに集中する方法でサマタ瞑想を行う。どこにロウソクを置くかなど,細かな設定がなされている。サマタ瞑想では,梵字などの書字や壁の一点を見つめる方法が取られるが,専門的な空間デザインがなされた部屋で見つめる炎は,プラシーボ効果もあるかもしれないが,集中力が高まりやすい気がした。白地の壁面にロウソクとその炎の揺らぎが大きく映し出され,注意が逸れるように視点がずれても,影の炎の揺らぎが視野に入っているわけで,そうした影を「準・ロウソクの炎」とするなら,なかなかに炎から視点外れることはないのである。とても瞑想的な空間であることも実感できた瞑想だった。


メニュー5 おりんミュージックヒーリング





メニュー6 マインドフルネス*3






メニュー7 出発前の一服




追加メニュー ヴィパッサナー瞑想*4




追加メニュー 目覚めのヒーリング




追加メニュー 歩行瞑想






近年の瞑想人気の高まりを語るには,マインドフルネスに関する研究と社会的応用の発展を知ることが不可欠である。なぜなら,現代社会で人々が主にウェルネス目的で取り組む瞑想は,その大半がマインドフルネス瞑想であるから。「開放的で,とらわれのないこころの状態」を日々のあらゆる場面で維持するために仏教的ライフスタイルとして実践するものをピュア・マインドフルネスとし,現代人が心身の健康増進や幸福感を目指し,ある意味目的志向的に行うものを臨床マインドフルネスとして,明確に区別している(大谷, 2014)。












*2−注意を意識的に特定の事柄に(呼吸,イメージ,概念,ロウソクの炎など)に集中させる没入的な瞑想法(大谷, 2014)。





‘Experience the Meditation Program at the Hotel’

From February 15 to 25, 2022 Hotel kanra Kyoto, a hotel in Kyoto, Japan, invited participants to experience “Sori3,” a healing and meditation program using guest rooms.
The program offers meditation in the comfort of a hotel room, an extraordinary space. I had heard that the number of hotels offering such a service has been increasing recently. However, I never thought I would have the chance to experience it.
The hotel kanra kyoto is located near the magnificent Higashi Honganji Temple, a 10-minute walk north from the central ticket gate of Kyoto Station, and is a “modern Kyoto-style hotel with a sense of wabi-sabi, using traditional techniques and techniques cultivated in Kyoto and natural materials such as wood, stone, iron, earth, and greenery. The concept is “modern Kyoto machiya style with a sense of wabi and sabi” (source: hotel kanra kyoto’s official website).

What is the program that realized “first-class hotel x meditation”?

About “Su/rium3,” the company says, “This is a program that allows guests to experience healing and meditation using hotel guest rooms. The theme of the program is to open the five senses through non-contact + Japanese healing. We hope to remove stress and blockages in the Corona Disaster and provide time for self-conditioning between the hotel and yourself. It was created with this in mind.” (Source: HOTELKANRAKYOTO Instagram).
The specifics of “Su/rium3” are as follows.

1 Digital detox
2 Aroma Healing
3 AZUKI Healing
4 Samatha Meditation
5 Orin Music Healing
6 Mindfulness
7 Pre-departure smoke

In addition to these seven basic programs, the following three are considered additional menus.

1 Vipassana Meditation
2 Awakening Healing
3 Walking meditation

Since the time I had as a monitor was one hour, I could easily imagine that it would not be quite enough, but I decided to work on “Su/rium 3” while keeping my time in order to experience as much as possible.

IN to OUT filled with comfort

The process of “Su/rium3” begins in an elegant atmosphere, much like a typical check-in at a hotel.
First, you receive your key at the front desk and receive an explanation from the hotel staff with a calm expression and tone of voice. You also receive a program menu (written explanation) made of tactile Japanese paper.
The program begins as soon as you enter the room, so you read the first meditation menu in front of the room gate (each room has a lattice door and a path to the room), take a rest, and finally enter the room.
Incidentally, when we leave after the program, we are again greeted by the peaceful hotel staff, who say, “Good job!” and they labor to help you. Since meditation is basically practiced for one’s own sake, I feel that the warm smiles and words of exertion are a device to protect my peace of mind even after I am OUT of the program, although I am still a bit bewildered.

Menu 1: Digital Detox

Upon entering the room, you immediately see a flat box that shines discreetly in gold. Similar boxes are provided for most of the menus. In the digital detox, the box encloses a smartphone, smartwatch, or other communication device.
How much time do we spend away from our smartphones and computers in a day in today’s world? A study focusing on digital device dependence among university students (Kubo et al., 2019) points out that while they feel the harmful effects of digital devices on their health, it is difficult to limit them in their daily living space, and an environmental setting that ensures they remain digitally free is effective.
The benefits of turning off digital devices by getting in touch with nature, such as Earthing*1 , have recently been attracting attention. With the social penetration of wellness values such as yoga and LOHAS, digital detoxification is gaining appeal as a novel activity. However, in real life, where connection and information gathering through SNS are essential, it is quite difficult to practice digital detox, and I have the impression that it is even more appealing due to the reactionary formation of the conflict of wanting to experience it but not being able to.
For me personally, Vipassana meditation camps are the digital detox I have experienced in recent times, but I recall that my attitude of caring about my phone was quickly restored as soon as I danced back into my social life. So here, when I do the ritual of sealing up my phone in a heavy lidded box, I feel a definite sense of leaving, and during the program, I think my thoughts and feelings were less likely to fly to the outside world. Once again, I realized that digital freedom suppresses mind wandering and the whimsy of thought.

Menu 2 Aroma Healing

Going up to the Japanese-style room for meditation. Surrounded by the dim light emitted from the walls, I release the aroma mist placed on the table. I feel the mist on my skin as it emits a calming aroma and a subtle sprinkling of fragrance. By carefully using each of your senses, you will feel a sense of calmness.


You take out an eye pillow-like package from a golden box. You feel the warmth of the warmth and smell the sweet and nostalgic aroma. The instructions say to place it anywhere on the body and feel it, but this time I placed it on my eyelids. The eyelids warmed up, and I felt my scalp relax somehow. As a personal practice, I spend a little time in samatha meditation, in which I keep my attention focused on the warm sensation on my eyelids. It is dark, there is little noise, and I hear only a steady rhythm of music, so it is easy to concentrate on the warmth, and I find it very easy to meditate. If I find it easy to meditate, it means that I am not concentrating on the warmth of my eyelids in the first place, so I notice that I am “concentrating on the warmth” and bring my attention back to it.
In the mindfulness practices around the world, concentration meditation, in which you keep your attention on a specific object, is often practiced.

Menu 4: Samatha Meditation*2

A large candle is placed in a golden box. Due to the risk of handling firearms, Samatha Meditation is done with a LED candle, concentrating on the flickering flame of the candle. Detailed settings are made, including where to place the candles. In samatha meditation, one can write Sanskrit characters or gaze at a point on the wall, but I felt that gazing at the flame in a room with a specialized spatial design easily enhanced my concentration, although there may be a placebo effect. Even if one’s attention wanders away from the viewpoint, the flickering shadow of the flame is still in one’s field of vision, and if one considers such shadows as “quasi-candle flames,” it is difficult to get one’s perspective off the flame. It was a very meditative space for meditation.

Menu 5 Orin Music Healing

Singing bowls are often used in meditation as a tool to dive deep into the inner world. The orin music featured in this program has a rhythm and structure that is emotionally calming, not to mention its tonal homogeneity and extension.
Although it played uninterruptedly for the 60 minutes of the program, it never bothered me in a strange way or directed negative emotions toward me. Rather, I felt that it served as an indicator to regulate the rhythm of my breathing, and in other ways, it facilitated meditation. Although there were times when I naively wondered why the music continued to flow as if it blended into the room.

Menu 6: Mindfulness*3

According to the instructions, we were to move to a chair and table like a dining set. A golden box on the table. This time, we were told that we would practice mindfulness through eating meditation.
With eyes closed, the participants remove the object from the box, touch it with their hands (tactile), listen to the sound (auditory), and smell it (auditory). Then, the sequence of procedures is to open the eyes, look at it or stare at it (sight), and eat it little by little (taste).
I was frankly impressed with how well suited it was for eating meditation. I was impressed. I think that the choice of materials for eating meditation is a problematic issue. There are exercises such as the raisin exercise and the unique Japanese rice ball exercise, and it is quite difficult to choose materials that will affect the senses evenly in stages. I wondered if he had devised it for the purpose of eating meditation.

Menu 7: Smoke before departure

I thought it might be the second part of the eating meditation. Because the tea had a fragrance and taste I had never encountered before, and it was a very comforting cup. I naturally felt that this was not a menu for meditation, but rather a time to do some meditations and calm the mind before returning to the outside world.

Additional Menu: Vipassana Meditation*4

In this menu, it is explained that one should keep paying attention to one’s breathing. It is a so-called breathing meditation, but it is also recommended to pay attention to healing music composed mainly of the sound of an orin. The healing music is not only pleasant to the ear, but is full of extended tones that do not interfere with meditation, but rather encourage it. In addition, the rhythms are designed to be in tune with the 4-6 beat “inhale – exhale. So, when you get tired of concentrating on your breathing on your own, you can repeat your breathing in time with the music to regain your focus and go back to concentrating on meditation. That is how I felt about this menu.

Additional Menu: Awakening Healing

In this program, a calligraphy and a letter are provided. Since it was not conducted this time, I could not know the details from the experience, but I assume that the purpose of this program is to immerse oneself in “writing,” to pay attention to each action of writing, and to move toward mindfulness through the copying of the scriptures.

Additional Menu Walking Meditation

Walking along the passageway in the Japanese modern room as if it were cobblestone pavement. Walking meditation is often practiced as a part of Vipassana meditation. The process of lifting one’s feet and lowering them to the ground, an act that we perform on autopilot and without awareness as a default, is dared to be observed and noticed in detail and carefully.
Walking down the neat cobblestone walkway of a hotel guest room, one might say, “How beautiful the floor is! I wish I had a floor like this in my house. I was filled with evil thoughts. I could easily recognize these extraneous thoughts as overtly unwanted thoughts and immediately return my attention to the movement of walking, but since I did not have time to work on them carefully this time, I finished with the regret that I would like to work on walking meditation in this beautiful passageway if I have another opportunity.

Spatial Design and High Hospitality Leading to Meditation
To discuss the growing popularity of meditation in recent years, it is essential to understand the development of mindfulness research and its social applications. This is because the majority of meditation that people engage in today for wellness purposes is mindfulness meditation. The distinction is clearly made between pure mindfulness, which is practiced as a Buddhist lifestyle to maintain an “open, unencumbered state of mind” in all aspects of daily life, and clinical mindfulness, which is practiced by modern people for the purpose of improving their physical and mental health and well-being (Otani, 2008). (Otani, 2014).
When meditation is not practiced 24 hours a day as a lifestyle, but rather in some time frame of daily life, the key is how to condition oneself, especially if one has only been meditating for a short time and is in the process of establishing it in one’s life. In other words, it is very important to devise an environment that motivates people to meditate and enhances their concentration. In this sense, the provision of meditation rooms and various tools by the hotel this time was very epoch-making.
The room, which could be called a meditative holistic space, is simple, but it is surrounded by warm lighting reminiscent of a fire and modern Japanese furnishings, and the orin music that continues to play gives a sense of peaceful tones, like a calm sea. Both audiovisual and visual senses feel a sense of warmth.
As you proceed through the program, there are literally azuki bean wrappers that give you a sense of warmth and a rare kind of tea that soothes your mind. A program that encourages relaxation of body and mind, while providing clear instructions on what needs to be done to avoid becoming too relaxed and sleepy, and giving the confidence to meditate with peace of mind.

*1-To touch the earth with bare feet or bare skin. Also called grounding. It is believed to condition the body and mind by releasing artificial energy, such as electromagnetic waves, into the earth.

*2-Immersive meditation in which the attention is consciously focused on a specific object (breath, image, concept, candle flame, etc.) (Otani, 2014).

*3-A state of mind in which one intentionally and with special care focuses attention on the “here and now” self, accepting it as it is without evaluation (explanation by the author).

*4-Meditation in which one continues to be aware of all things perceived without preference.